Hello once again! Today I would like to give you a few links that could provide you a lot of information about Chinchillas!
1.https://www.thesprucepets.com/- This site will tell you everything that you need to know if you want to get yourself a pet.
2.https://www.petco.com - This site provides you with online shop, where you can buy all the good for your pet, and also it has a lot of healthcare articles for you tiny friend!
3. https://www.iucnredlist.org - Very useful site, where you can track chinchillas (not only) population worldwide and check their status. (They are endangered right now:c)
1.https://www.thesprucepets.com/- This site will tell you everything that you need to know if you want to get yourself a pet.
2.https://www.petco.com - This site provides you with online shop, where you can buy all the good for your pet, and also it has a lot of healthcare articles for you tiny friend!
3. https://www.iucnredlist.org - Very useful site, where you can track chinchillas (not only) population worldwide and check their status. (They are endangered right now:c)
4. https://infolific.com/pets/chinchillas/chinchilla-sounds/ - It's another site dedicated to pets. However this exact link will help you to learn more about sounds that chinchillas make and how they communicate with each other.
5. https://www.youtube.com/user/ChinTubeHD/featured - It's a YouTube channel, that provides a lot of Chinchilla videos. Some are entertainming and fun, and some are very useful and eductaional.
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